What school would be like without sports


Brooklynn Poole, Reporter

 New York City’s Public School Athletic League for Boys was the first school athletics to be established in the nation in 1903, according to The Atlantic. Sports have been a part of schools for about 115 years and have provided so many opportunities for students, including athletic scholarships, stress relief, physical advantages, and more that involve both school and personal benefits.

  But what would happen if sports were removed from schools permanently? Recently there have been certain schools across the nation that have removed sports. This could happen because of multiple reasons, such as expenses, difficulties or issues with team sports and coaches, having more time for studying, or missing fewer classes.

“I think a lot of people would just think of school as a joke and a waste of time because I know a lot of people who depend on school sports to keep them sane and content,” said junior Mora Seme, “If that were to just be stripped away for them, it would be devastating […]”

   According to the ASC International Schools website, “Students who participate in sports are more likely to be both successful during and after their time at school.” Many studies have proved this statement correct.

Athletics can help students stay focused on what’s important: their future. Oftentimes when students don’t have a busy, structured schedule, they tend to get off task and in trouble more easily. According to the ASC International Schools website, “Students who participate in sports are more likely to be both successful during and after their time at school.”

Junior and softball player Chanel Esparza said she suffers from ADHD and, “I feel like if I do sports before school they help because I get my energy out. But if not I’m super energetic in class […]” Sports can also help students focus better in school and learn more productively.

There are many life lessons and skills that sports teach students that they can use for the rest of their lives. Without athletics, students don’t have as much of an opportunity to learn these things at such a young age. Sophomore, boys baseball, and girls basketball player Calleigh DeYoung said a life lesson she has learned from sports is, “Respecting and having good sportsmanship with others will allow others to respect you.”

School sports have a way of bringing the school together. DeYoung also said, “When the teams win or do good the school can rally behind them [and] it can build unity with the student body.”     

Throughout history, school sports have also opened up many doors for so many students. They have the chance to get scholarships for college, learn many life lessons and skills, and if they’re really good, even play professionally.

    Overall, sports should stay in schools because of the number of benefits, lessons, skills, and opportunities they give to students. According to The Aspen Institute Project Play website, studies have shown that “ Organized sports activity helps children develop and improve cognitive skills”, and also, “Physical activity, and sports, in particular, can positively affect aspects of personal development among young people”.