Free from jail: several years of braces worth it

Hannah Anderson, Reporter

Two years to life.  Well, normally just two years, but when the braces go on it feels like they’re never going to come off.

“It doesn’t seem like a big thing, but getting my braces off was a big day.  It’s a rite of passage since you are becoming more of an adult,” said junior Isabel Fernandez.

From personal experience, getting all the metal out of my mouth was liberating.  It gives a confidence boost, and not to mention eating all the foods that are nearly impossible with braces on becomes easy again when the braces are off.

“My teeth were really slimy at first, but I was so happy with the results that that didn’t matter,” said Megan Owens.

According to, getting braces on in the adolescent years is best because the jaw is still growing.  Desirable results become harder to achieve when the face and jaw bones have fully developed.

Treatment usually requires a full set of braces and will last approximately 14 to 28 months, all depending on the complexity of the problems and the timing of treatment.  But there is no need to be embarrassed by braces.  Nearly 75% of teens nationwide have braces or will have braces according to

“Our uniquely educated doctors and expert team help to make good smiles great, and strive to make our patients gain confidence through their smile,” said the main orthodontist at Endrizzi Orthodontics in Taylorsville, “A great smile conveys confidence, joy and even success.”

The cost for braces can be intimidating, ranging from $3,000 all the way up to $13,500.  But most orthodontist facilities offer payment plans that are attainable for everyone.  Including choosing a set payment month to month for as long as your braces are on.

“Braces are not intimidating, they just fix teeth.  I used to want them when I was younger because I thought it was cool, but now that I’ve grown up I just don’t really need them,” said junior Brittney Nguyen, someone who has never had braces.

The pain is worth the gain in this case.  Having metal in your mouth for two years means nothing the day they come off.  It’s the first step in evolving into an adult.  The long while is worth the great smile.