Spirit Week garnishes school enthusiasm

March 30, 2016
The reason to have Spirit Week is to help create a more involved student body in the events of the school and to bring unity within each class. Our student body officers have come up with a theme for spirit week which is Cinema Week.
“We pretty much got together and threw up a whole bunch of ideas and created Cinema Week. We were thinking of having just a Star Wars theme, but instead tied that into Cinema,” class historian, Jaycee Jensen says.
Many students throughout the school have participated each day in this long event. Monday began with Superhero Day. Tuesday with Disney characters. Wednesday called for dressing up from the Old West. Thursday was Star Wars-themed and Friday ended with class colors. Sophomore class had the opportunity to wear white. The Junior class showed their spirit in yellow, while the graduating senior class popped out in blue.
Students in each class were challenged to compete against each other and earn points. “The more out you go in dressing up, the more points you get,” Jensen continued, “you can also participate in lunchtime activities and the Spirit Assembly coming up as well.” There were spirit sticks hidden for all to find throughout the school. The first two days of the week, all three were already found. If you found a spirit stick, your class earned 500 points.
“This was my first time being part of Spirit Week and I thought it was really cool; I loved the decorations,” sophomore student, Isara Tago shared. The halls have been filled with divine students who dressed up each day of the week.
The SBOs have spent countless hours of working on decorations for the week. Junior Officer, Anthony Do, created the life size storm troopers from Star Wars all across the school’s hallways. The environment was definitely going through a flashback of childhood memories while walking to and fro class.
On Friday, the spirit assembly was very wild for everyone. From the beginning of the week, the sophomores were 100 points ahead in the lead. All the seniors were ready, decked out in blue, showing their spirit and practically won each activity given. “My class has always been the best throughout high school and we come out with the most pride,” senior, Kingston Limutau says. The class of 2016 is learning to leave behind their legacy as graduation day comes closer and closer.