Lovejoy: England’s New Band

@LVJYonline on Twitter

The band members on Lovejoy. Going right to left, we have Ash Kabuso, William Gold, Joe Goldsmith, and Mark Boardman. They are standing outside on a road.

Belle R. LeDuc, Editor

Lovejoy is a new indie rock band from England. Through this year, they’ve released 11 songs ranging from songs you’d sing along with in your car to songs that remind you of the pain and suffering that is existence. After only 8 months, they’ve gotten 1.16 million subscribers on Youtube and nearly 2 million monthly listeners on Spotify. 


The band members include William Gold as lead vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter; Joe Goldsmith as lead guitarists and songwriter; Ash Kabosu as bass guitarist; and Mark Boardman on drums and percussion. 

William Gold, also known by his internet name Willbur Soot, is well known for his Twitch streams and his Youtube channel. Before Lovejoy, he had already written and produced many songs. The most notable singles made by Wilbur Soot are I’m in Love with an Egirl, Internet Ruined Me, Your New Boyfriend, and Your City Gave Me Asthma. 

According to Gold in a Twitch stream in June, before he joined Lovejoy, Joe Goldsmith had worked as a Tree surgeon. He is also active on Twitter and Instagram

Ash Kavosu was personally asked to join Lovejoy by Gold after he noticed Kavosu’s bass hanging on his back. Gold asked if Kavosu wanted to be in a band and he gladly accepted. Gold then gave Kavosu his address so they could start practices. He is active on Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram 

On his Instagram- reposted to the Lovejoy Twitter account-  Mark Boardman states he had been playing drums since he was little and only recently started playing as a profession. He is active on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and is the only band member that has a public Tiktok. He has a cat named Beans


Lovejoy currently has two EP’s released. Are You Alright included 4 songs and was released May 10, 2021. Pebble Brain has 7 songs and was released October 13th later the same year. Many of their songs are intended for an older and more mature audience through the inclusion of language and dark themes. 

One of their most popular songs is One Day from their album Are You Alright. One Day is a song that is widely held to be about a toxic relationship. The theme of inconsistent behavior and emotion blend perfectly with music to form a song that, as long as you don’t think about the lyrics too hard, is perfect to dance along to. This song encompasses the overall theme of the band, and is a great starting point for new listeners. 

In all the songs, William Gold is able to bring raw and powerful emotion to all the lyrics. Listeners cannot help but put their mind in new shoes when they listen. Their song The Fall from the album Pebble Brain is the best example of this. This is a song about a cathartic mental breakdown and the idea that after you reach the top you’re only able to go downhill. People who suffer from burnout or a crash-and-burning of their songs will be able to easily relate to this song and those who never experienced it will be able to understand the soul-crushing apathy that comes with it. 

These two songs are some of the best songs they’ve written but every song is a gold-mine of emotion and musical genius. Avid listeners of indie and people who’ve never experienced the genre alike will find something to enjoy. The band members continue to treat their fanbase well and remain active on all their platforms.