Taylorsville Blood Drive
The blood drive in Taylorsville’s media center
November 12, 2021
According to the American Red Cross, “Approximately 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the U. S.”The Red Cross helps meet this huge demand with drives all over the country year-round. On November ninth, the American Red Cross came to Taylorsville High School. They held their drive during the school day, allowing students and others who wanted to donate an opportunity to do so.
This opportunity was used well in Taylorsville. People such as Linh Ngo, a senior at Taylorsville, said that they’ve always wanted to donate blood. Since the opportunity came, she decided to do so.
It took place in the Taylorsville high media center. Donors would check in with the Red Cross website and wait in groups to be called up. Due to Utah blood donation laws, adults who signed up to donate were given priority. For example, despite signing up at 8:00- 9:30, students weren’t actually donating until 11:00.
When called up, medical professional would interview the student about their health and medical history, then perform a blood test. If everything was good, the student would be moved to a new seating area to wait to get their blood drawn.
While having your blood drawn, the nurses regularly checked in with their donor to look out for ill-symptoms and complications. Once the donation process was done, students were brought to the third, and final, waiting area. They were allowed access to a buffet of snacks and were told to sit down for 15 minutes. After the time passed, students were allowed to leave and return to class.
There are many reasons that students wished to donate. Many did so because they understood the need for it, others did so for the experience, and others did so to help a good cause. Cailee Crockett, a Senior at Taylorsville stated she wished to donate because “I know we’re in a blood shortage right now, especially because of the pandemic”.
Crockett is right. According to the American Red Cross, blood donation dropped nearly 10% over the course of the pandemic. Since this drop, the Red Cross has been urging eligible donors to keep donating.
What was special about donating blood was the thought that it was helping someone. Every 1 donation is capable of saving 3 lives. Donating blood is the perfect way to help others for those who lack time or money. It’s simply amazing how 15 minutes is able to save lives and this writer is certainly planning on donating again.