Getting to know our Tenor Madrigals

Morgan Thompson

Top row from left to right: Brendan Christensen, Wesley Hardy, Henrie Holder; Bottom row from left to right: Nathanael Jones, Charles Degraffenreid, Brigham Dalton

Morgan Thompson, Editor

Being a Madrigal has benefited every one of them for the better. Both in their talents and their high school experience. “People assume I can play the piano or name random notes they sing, dude I can’t even read music, T is just an amazing teacher!” said first tenor, Corben Cox. Let’s get to know our Tenor Madrigals!

Charles Degraffenried – Tenor 1

Charlie has loved singing ever since he was little. He would frequently sing with his family when caroling with his sisters and singing at family reunions. “This helped me learn how to sing a part while others around me are singing something else,” Degraffenried said.

Now he gets the opportunity to sing with the Taylorsville Madrigals and his partner, Avery Hasler. He has made so many friends throughout this experience and enjoys the education provided by Mrs. Tarrant. 

Charlie looks forward to his future in singing and hopes to raise a strong, musical family. 

Corben Cox – Tenor 1  

Corben has wanted to be a Madrigal ever since he was eight years old and saw them perform at his elementary school. When he got to high school, he joined Men’s Chorus, then auditioned for Madrigals as a Junior. Corben is very happy to be in his second year of Madrigals. This year he is paired with Sarah Sanchez.

“Auditions my first year were really easy because we did them via online videos […] but my Senior year auditions were terrifying,” Cox said. “You sing in front of everyone auditioning, the current Madrigals, Mrs. T, and Mr. Garner. I chose the song Cecily Smith, it’s a cute, funny, sad song that I thought portrayed my personality.”

Corben can sometimes find it hard to balance all the things going on in his life. Not only is he a Madrigal and Student Body President, but he is also taking many hard classes and is awaiting to graduate. “Sometimes I just want to go home and sleep all day,” he said. “It was important for me to realize that these things were not obstacles but outlets, and this is the only time in my life when I get to do them.”

Corben doesn’t know where he would be today without music. “I hope I never lose music in my life, whether it’s making my own music or just singing in the shower, it makes me so happy.”

Nathanael Jones – Tenor 1

Nathanael knew that he wanted to be a Madrigal his entire life; everything seemed to point him in that direction. “I have sung all of my life, and had strong passions when it came to music,” Jones said. “I developed my voice to a point where I became accustomed to my high voice.”

He looks up to his older sister, who was a previous Madrigal, for inspiration. “[She] said it was an amazing experience she would never forget. I wanted to create new and amazing memories, and Madrigals did not disappoint.”

Nathanael has also found more friendship in Madrigals than he would have expected. He knows that he has their support no matter what. They always have his back. He is partnered with Kalie Manning. 

Nathanael hopes to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and then wants to move on to become a scientist. 

Brigham Dalton – Tenor 1

Briggs was also a previous Madrigal as a Junior. “I was so scared I wasn’t going to get in […] because it was my dream since elementary school,” Dalton said. Luckily, he has been able to return to Madrigals for his second year in a row. This year he is partnered with Tori Tye.

Brigham finds comfort and safety in the close knit Madrigal group. “My favorite thing is the way we grow closer as a choir group,” he said. “We all get so close that it becomes like one big family and that class period that we are all in is our safe place, where our side lives disappear and we can just focus on having fun with friends.”

Brigham wants to continue performing after he graduates and hopes to fill his future home with music. 

Brendan Christensen – Tenor 2

Brendan was originally planning on auditioning for Madrigals for his senior year, but was inspired to try out for his Junior year as well. “I really love singing and everybody in Madrigals were such good friends so it just looked like a lot of fun and so I decided I wanted to do it,” he said.

“I really enjoy being with all these cool people and it’s been fun making new friends through it,” Christensen said. He feels honored to be included with the many talented singers in Madrigals, including his partner, Emma Brown.

Although Brendan doesn’t plan on pursuing music in the future, he is grateful for all of the memories he has made in Madrigals.

Wesley Hardy – Tenor 2

Wesley has been taking vocal lessons since his Junior year, as well as participating in Concert Choir. This helped him prepare for the once in a lifetime opportunity to be a Madrigal. “We were able to pick out a song that worked really well for me,” Hardy said. “The audition was pretty nerve racking, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought because I had practiced so much.”

Wesley has loved the experiences that come with being a Madrigal. From All-State to getting to know his partner, Caroline Wilkinson, he has loved every second of it. “[The only thing I don’t like] is that T doesn’t let us skip fourth period.”

Wesley wants to bring his talent and love of music into his future home. “I just want to be able to sing well to my wife and kids,” he said.

Henrie Holder – Tenor 2

Henrie has played the piano ever since he was a kid and has been taking voice lessons for about two years now. “I love to sing!!” he said. “And I love the atmosphere that comes from the Madrigals. It’s so welcoming.”

Although Madrigals is a fun experience, it can be hard to balance everything else going on at the same time. “Time management is a very difficult thing. It’s hard to set priorities straight, but you just have to push through and take it day by day,” Holder said. “The [hardest] thing would probably be how busy we are, but that’s also one of the best things.” Henrie is paired with Abbie Andersen.

Henrie hopes to become an orthopedist when he’s older and wants to continue singing and improving in piano.

If you would like to join such an amazing group, Madrigal auditions will be held on April 15th at 3:00. More information is available in Mrs. Tarrant’s room, A101.