Meeting our Bass and Baritone Madrigals
Top row from left to right: Sam Stromberg, Reed Miles, Caleb Booth, Jacob Lee; Bottom row from left to right: Tucker Crapo, Nathan Bingham, Brandon Sorensen, Jonathan Sampson
April 27, 2022
As the school year comes to an end, everyone is preparing to say goodbye to the 2021-2022 Madrigals. They have all enjoyed this once in a lifetime experience and have soaked up every moment it has lasted. “My favorite thing is the memories and friendships you make. But most of all is seeing the smiles and joy you bring to those you sing too,” said senior and baritone, Brandon Sorensen.
Last, but certainly not least, let’s introduce our bass and baritone Madrigals.
Jonathan Sampson – Baritone
Jonathan was thrilled about Madrigals after joining Men’s Chorus his sophomore year and hearing the other Madrigals talk about how fun it was. “Mads just fits my style really well: high-energy, singing, and dancing,” he said. Because of this, Jonathan decided to join Madrigals for his junior year, and now his senior year to come.
Although it can be hard to balance the Madrigals’ busy schedule and excelling in his schoolwork, Sampson finds indescribable joy within the Madrigal family. “The people are so much fun, and the Christmas season is the best month of my life.” Jonathan is paired with Sariah Angeles.
Jonathan isn’t quite sure where his Madrigal experience is going to lead him when he graduates, “I’m probably done after high school,” he said. “But I plan to have one piano piece under my belt to pull out whenever.”
Caleb Booth – Baritone
Caleb comes from a very musical family and has been playing the piano since he was just three years old. He has participated in many forms of choirs and musical theater in and out of school. “I’ve always wanted to be in Madrigals ever since I was little, but when it was time to audition I got really nervous and didn’t want to,” Booth said. “However my mom and friends really helped inspire me to audition, especially since I’ve had a strong musical past.”
Now Caleb is part of the close knit Madrigal group he calls family. He is partnered with Alyssa Skinner and looks forward to returning to Madrigals for his senior year.
“My goal is to be somebody that can inspire people,” Booth said. “I hope that Madrigals is a gateway to other musical opportunities and can kickstart a fun part of my life in and out of high school.”
Reed Miles – Baritone
Reed was inspired by his older sister, a previous Madrigal, to try out. “She looked so happy singing,” he said. With that, he worked hard to prepare the perfect song for auditions. “Rachel Bates was a lady that helped me sing my song really well.”
Now Reed gets the amazing opportunity to be a part of the Madrigal family. This year he is partnered with Tofi Nonu. Within Madrigals he is learning to balance his time between work, school, and other responsibilities.
Being a Madrigal comes with the responsibility of helping represent the school. “[A lot of people think we’re] being too nice,” Miles said. “I combat that by being more nice.” Not only does a Madrigal need to work hard and perform well, they need to be kind to everybody around them.
Reed hopes to take this experience to keep music in his life and learn to play the piano.
Brandon Sorensen – Baritone
Brandon has been a Madrigal for two years now. This year his partner is Ashley Hymas.
“I have always wanted to be a Madrigal ever since I saw them perform at my elementary,” he said. “Then once I was a sophomore and joined men’s choir the next step was doing Mads junior year.” Brandon also participated in Eisenhower’s Encore choir in Junior High.
“Surprisingly for the longest time I was terrified to sing in front of others,” Sorensen said. “Even though I could sing solos in a musical in front of hundreds of people.” Because of Madrigal performances, auditions, and previous choir experience, Brandon has found his passion for music and dreads the day he will have to leave Madrigals.
“[Madrigals is] a dream come true and I wish I could do it for many years to come,” Sorensen said. “I want to continue choir in college and tour with them and bring joy to others. And have a music focused family when I’m older.”
Jacob Lee – Baritone
Jacob has wanted to be a Madrigal ever since he saw his older brothers have the amazing experience. “My whole family, especially my extended family, are very talented musicians and I wanted to be like them,” Lee said. “I also wanted to join because I love music and singing. Some of my favorite memories have been singing with my brothers or my friends.”
Jacob had also been a previous Madrigal during his junior year. This year he is paired with Breanne Bessette. “It was hard, but a blast,” Jacob said about his auditions. “I am so glad I auditioned and would encourage anyone thinking about it to try it.”
Jacob doesn’t know what he would do without music in his life. “I hope to be in choirs in my future, whether professional or just smaller things,” he said. “I love singing and I really want to continue doing so.”
Tucker Crapo – Bass
Once Tucker had auditioned for Concert Choir, he knew he wanted to be a Madrigal. “I felt really confident after trying out […] It looked really fun,” he said. He is now partnered with Gabreila Lara.
Although Madrigals can be a very big time commitment and can cause a little extra stress, Tucker finds a way to make the best of it. “I love meeting everyone and making new friends,” he said. “It’s totally worth doing.”
“I hope to always have music as part of my life even if I don’t go into music professionally,” Crapo said. Being a part of the Madrigal family has brought many fun times and memories for his senior year.
Ayden Jones – Bass
Ayden loved seeing all of the pajama people come to his elementary school to perform, so he was elated when he finally got to be one. Although the road to Madrigals wasn’t an easy one. “The auditions were absolutely terrifying and listening to everyone else sing their songs and just waiting for your turn has to be one of the most stomach churning experiences ever,” Jones said. “But it was also super fun, and singing in front of everyone was pretty cool.” He is partnered with Shey Rico.
Ayden’s favorite part of Madrigals is “Getting to perform for people and seeing their smile.” Although many times he has to choose Madrigal performances over other priorities, because of the joy the Madrigals bring people, it is worth the sacrifice to him.
Ayden wants to continue bringing this joy into people’s lives and hopes to compose music in the future.
Nathan Bingham – Bass
Nathan was inspired to try out for Madrigals by our Taylorsville Choir Teacher, Mrs. Leah Tarrant. “She is such a great teacher overall in all her skills and also being able to be there for students. She makes hard work seem easy every time and going to her class is always exciting,” Bingham said. “Not to mention, she is always open ears to any life problems you’re going through. Besides Mrs. T though, singing is really beautiful as an art and a way of communicating.” Nathan was also previously in Men’s Chorus for his sophomore year, which helped him prepare for the responsibilities of a Madrigal.
Nathan was beyond excited when he discovered he got to be a part of the Madrigal family. This year he is partnered with Camilla Cordova. He loves hanging out with all of the Madrigals, even outside of class.
Nate hopes to keep these memories and relationships throughout his life. “I hope that I still keep this love for music and the people who teach it like Mrs. T,” he said. “It’s an awesome opportunity to spread […] joy and have it be really fun.”
Sam Stromberg – Bass
Sam has a strong musical background. He has been playing piano for nine years, took men’s chorus as a sophomore, and participates in ballroom dance. All of these things, along with a dream to become one of the pajama people, helped him prepare to be a Madrigal. “They always came to elementary and sang around Christmas time and they were just legendary singers and they had so much fun,” he said. “I just decided I wanted to be one when I ‘grew up.’” This year Sam is paired with Naomi Shieving.
Although Madrigals can be busy and stressful, especially when Christmas season comes around, they try their hardest to make the best of it. “Jonathan I think put it best,” Stromberg said. “Mads season is super fun and I wouldn’t change a thing, but we do have to sacrifice the 3 S’s – sleep, schoolwork, and sanity.”
Sam looks forward to returning to Madrigals for his senior year and making more memories in the choir program.
All of this would not be possible if it weren’t for Taylorsville’s amazing choir director, Mrs. T. “I think that teachers who teach any art are very special and they have real talent and a love for what they do,” said junior and bass, Nathan Bingham.
We send the best of luck and look forward to welcoming our 2022-2023 Madrigals!