What’s new this year at Taylorsville?

September 13, 2022
Summer has ended and a new school year has started for the Taylorsville community. With the fanatic last school year, the Taylorsville administration has decided to implement new ideas to allow a smoother transition into the 2022-2023 school year.
Technology Traffic Light
Most students will first notice the new technology traffic light poster when walking into a classroom. This poster is working to help students learn when technology is appropriate and when it is not. When a teacher needs a certain behavior expectation they will simply move the arrow to which light they are looking for. Red means the phone is put away, Chromebook is shut, and headphones are not present. Yellow means the phone can be out and picked up for ten seconds at a time. Chromebooks are halfway shut or being used as directed. Headphones can be out but not actively used. Green represents no restrictions for students and are allowed to use their technology without limitation in the classroom. If students do not follow the mentioned system, there is a three-step plan for behavior adjustment. The first step is to state the expectations and notify if and when a color changes. The second step is to verbally warn students who are not following or meeting expectations. The third step is to remove the device and place it in a secure location. If the device is not given up, the admin will be notified and contact guardians. These new technology rules have come to the chagrin of many students. A sophomore, Danielle Johnson, said “No one (students) cares about the light and still do whatever they want”. Her story is similar to one of senior Nalleyly Caracosa “Teachers don’t bother to use the light, keeping the same rules as before”.
School Lunch
Another thing students might notice is different this year is the school lunch. The nationwide school meal COVID waivers from the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) expired at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. This means the district can no longer offer free lunches to all students. Students who qualify for a fee waiver will continue to receive free lunch. Stipulations for free lunch are if household income is within the limitations of the Federal Income Eligibility requirements. Students whose household is receiving federal assistance such as SNAP, FDPIR, & TANF are eligible for free meals. If students need free or reduced meals, they are welcome to apply online or in person at the Granite Nutrition office. The lunch line process has also gotten easier. Instead of separate lunch numbers, they have changed it to the students’ nine number. The student’s school ID card also works in the line making it easier to get and enjoy your lunch quicker.
Truancy Tickets
Truancy tickets aren’t a new thing here at Taylorsville, but the administration will be cracking down on them. Truancy tickets are given out when students are not in their classroom and wandering around the halls. When students are found meandering around the halls, administrators will approach the students and write them a truancy ticket. These cost $5 and need to be paid to the school. The purpose of truancy tickets is not to take money from students, but to incentivize them to attend their classes and stay out of the halls when it is not appropriate. This policy is one that is very disliked by students. Senior Izabella Morrison says that truancy tickets are “stupid” and “ If a kid doesn’t go to class, it’s their choice”.
New Athletics
The biggest change around the school is the beautiful new football field installed over the summer. The Taylorsville High School football team received a generous donation and was able to upgrade the outdated equipment and field. The weight room has also been modernized with custom Taylorsville Warriors weight training equipment. All of the upgrades have seemed to help the football team win back-to-back games for the first time since 2019 and improved to 2-0 for the first time since 2017.
These changes have already made a difference in the school culture. This year has many fun activities planned for the months ahead and with the positive changes that have been made, possibilities are endless for more. Following these rules are also beneficial to students as being in class and actively listening helps you grasp concepts and earn that A on the test. Have a safe and meaningful school year Warriors!