Third quarter causes strife for students

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Callé Hansen, Opinion Editor

The third quarter is known as the hardest quarter of the year. For many people classes don’t change, and even if they do, it’s not the classes that make it hard.

Looking outside, it is depressingly cold and dark, and the holiday break is over, leaving students to suffer on till spring break.

For many people, their classes haven’t changed, and they have been working on the same classes for six months.

Senior Lucas Carpenter says the hardest thing about a third-quarter “is the repetition of the same courses; you have been doing the same homework for more than half the year, and the goal of graduation seems for far away, and just getting out of the school year.”

However, it is important to push through and persevere. A well-known saying is, “Perseverance is patience with a purpose.” The school year is more than halfway over, and although most students’ motivation is at less than three percent, it is important to focus on the positive and persevere till the end of the school year.

Mind Tools says, “You’ll experience less stress, safe in the knowledge that you haven’t forgotten anything important. More than this, if you prioritize intelligently, you’ll focus your time and energy on high-value activities.”

Making a list of the things that need to be done is a great way to put things into perspective. Careful not to let it overwhelm you though. Sort them by priority. Put the most important, and/or time sensitive at the top. Plan out a time to work on it. Don’t worry about trying to complete it all in a one-time block.

Carpenter says, “A good way for me to set goals is to write them down.” he continues, “Constantly be aware of where you are and if you are slacking, pick up the ball again.”

It is also good to take breaks. It is important to not overwork yourself.

Martha C. White says in her article “The Exact Perfect Amount of Time to Take a Break, According to Data” in Time magazine “The most productive workers engage in job-related tasks for 52 minutes, then take a 17-minute break. That 15-to-20-minute window is productivity’s “golden hour” (or quarter-hour, as the case may be). It’s long enough for your brain to disengage and leave you feeling refreshed, but not so long that you lose focus and derail momentum on what you were doing.”

Carpenter says, “Try changing one thing that you haven’t been doing and do that. Like going to bed a half an hour earlier.”

Take a night off. Even if your workload isn’t super heavy, it is important to take a night to yourself. Take a bath with bath salts, and/or a bath bomb. Light a candle, and listen to relaxing music. Go to bed early.  Remember that the school year is over halfway over.